Basics of Python for Devops Engineer

Basics of Python for Devops Engineer

Day-13 #90daysofdevops


1 min read

πŸ“š Introduction

Let's Start with the Basics of Python as this is also important for DevOps engineers to build the logic and Programs.

🐍 What is Python?

Python is an Open source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language. it was created by Guido van Rossum Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django, Tensorflow, Flask, Pandas, Keras, etc.

πŸ’» How to Install Python?

You can install Python in your System whether it is Windows, MacOS, ubuntu, centos, etc. Below are the links for the installation:

πŸ”’ Task 1: Install Python in your respective OS and check the version

πŸ“š Task 2: Read about Different Data Types in Python

Data types represent the type of value that a variable can hold.

Text Type:


Numeric Types:

int, float, complex

Sequence Types:

list, tuple, range

Mapping Type:


Set Types:


Boolean Type:


Binary Types:

bytes, bytearray, memoryview

None Type:
